- Journal Name: International Journal of Scientific Discoveries
- Short Name: IJSD
- ISSN(Print) : xxxx-xxxx
- ISSN (Online) : xxx-xxxx
- Frequency : Semi-Annual
- Nature: Print and Online
- Submission: Via OJS System
- Languages of Publication: English
- Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Plagiarism Policy
International Journal of Scientific Discoveries adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity and has a strict policy against plagiarism. This policy ensures that all submitted manuscripts are original and free from any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
Definition of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as the act of using someone else’s ideas, words, data, or research findings without proper attribution or permission. This includes copying text, figures, tables, and any other content from previously published works without adequate citation. Self-plagiarism is also prohibited, which refers to the reuse of the author’s own previously published work without proper citation. -
Plagiarism Detection
All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Scientific Discoveries undergo a plagiarism detection process using advanced software tools. These tools are employed to identify any instances of text duplication or similarity with previously published content. The results of the plagiarism check are reviewed by the editorial team. -
Responsibilities of Authors
Authors are required to ensure that their submitted manuscripts are original and free from plagiarism. Authors must properly cite all sources, including research papers, books, and any other materials that have been referenced in their work. Direct quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks, and paraphrased content must be properly attributed to the original source. -
Consequences of Plagiarism
If plagiarism is identified at any stage of the submission, review, or publication process, the following actions may be taken:- Immediate Rejection: If plagiarism is detected during the initial submission process, the manuscript will be rejected, and the author will be notified.
- Retraction of Published Articles: If plagiarism is identified after publication, the article will be retracted, and a public notice will be issued to maintain the integrity of the journal.
- Ban on Future Submissions: Authors found guilty of plagiarism may be banned from submitting to International Journal of Scientific Discoveries in the future.
Authors must not submit manuscripts that have been previously published or are under consideration elsewhere, either in whole or in part, without proper acknowledgment. This includes articles that have substantial overlap with the author’s earlier works. Such submissions may result in rejection or retraction of the article. -
Ethical Guidelines for Citations
All references to prior work must be accurately cited. Authors must ensure that their citations and references adhere to the journal’s citation guidelines and properly acknowledge all relevant sources. -
Handling Allegations of Plagiarism
If an allegation of plagiarism arises after a manuscript has been accepted or published, the editorial board will investigate the matter thoroughly. The authors will be asked to respond to the allegations, and the case will be handled based on the evidence presented. If the allegation is substantiated, appropriate corrective action will be taken, including retraction or correction of the article. -
Transparency in Research
Authors are encouraged to share supplementary data and methodologies openly to promote transparency and reproducibility in research. This will also help prevent any potential issues related to plagiarism. -
Appeals Process
Authors who believe their work has been unfairly flagged for plagiarism may appeal the decision to the editorial board. The appeal will be reviewed, and the final decision will be communicated to the authors.